Monday, August 20, 2007

Upcoming Events

Hey Everyone,

Here is a short list of some things coming up in the coming weeks:

Sunday, August 26 - Confirmation Large Group Session - Cafeteria, 9:30am
Monday, August 27 - Prayer, Praise, and Taquitos - Haven, 7pm
Sunday, September 9 – Confirmation Large Group Session - Cafeteria, 9:30am
Monday, September 10 - Youth Bible Study - Parish Life Center, 6pm
Monday, September 10 - Prayer, Praise, and ___________(random food item) - Haven, 7pm
Sunday, September 16 – Confirmation Small Group Session - Time and Location TBA
Diocesan Youth Rally - Helias High School, 10am-6pm
Sunday, September 23 – High School World Youth Day
Monday, September 24 - Youth Bible Study - Parish Life Center, 6pm
Monday, September 10 - Prayer, Praise, and ___________(random food item) - Haven, 7pm
Sunday, September 30 – Confirmation Small Group Session - Time and Location TBA

I'll update this soon. Let me know if there's something here you'd like to participate in.


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