Saturday, June 03, 2006

Emily Schepers

Many of you already know about the fact that Emily Schepers, a sophomore in the parish, was found to have Wilson's Disease. Emily was taken from University Hospital in Columbia to Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis, and then on to St. Louis Children's Hospital, also in St. Louis. The disease required her to have a liver transplant within five to seven days. After only two or three days, four possible livers were found and tested. I am told that a liver was selected and Emily received her transplant last night. Everything appears to be alright this morning. Emily is resting and the medical staff is being very cautious. Therefore, they aren't accepting any visitors who aren't immediate family members. We can help her, however, by continuing to pray for her and her recovery.

There is a way, though, that you can communicate with her. St. Louis Children's Hospital has a website set up for her. You can find it at:

When you get there, click on "guestbook" towards the top and follow the instructions.

If you would like to "snail mail" her a card or letter, the address is:

Emily Schepers
c/o St. Louis Children's Hospital
1 Child Place
St. Louis, MO 63110

See ya,

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